Supercharge Preflight Pro

on Your Website from Marketing Ideas For Printers 

Automated PDF Preflight 
as Easy as 1-2-3

Marketing Ideas for Printers PDF upload.

Your print buyer uploads their file to an order form on your Marketing Ideas For Printers website.

good2Go and preflight pro step 2

Your print buyers’ PDF files are checked for critical errors and presented in a File Health Report.

File is automatically loaded into the printers Good2Go account for additional processing.

Your print buyers’ PDF files are automatically loaded into your Good2Go account for further processing. 

Access full PDF Health Report (preflight) information to identify and locate common files issues. 

Quickly send PDFs back to the print buyer for final print approval. 

Monitor all your active jobs for print buyer changes, and final print approval.

Preflight Pro

  • Go from order upload to file production automatically
  • Reduce duplicate files
  • Access full PDF preflight report
  • Manage corrections and reduce version confusion
  • Obtain print approval up to 60% faster!
  • Fully deploy Good2Go automation and collaboration

Get Better File Preflighting Today! 

How to get started

  • Add Preflight Pro to your website from Marketing Ideas For Printers
  • Get a Good2Go account
  • Have Marketing Ideas For Printers connect your account
  • That’s it, you’re Good2Go!